Link to Syllabus in Selma

In Studium there is an option enable a link to the corresponding syllabus in Selma. This is achieved by adding a tool, Syllabus with course literature, to the course menu on the left.

Note: This tools does not work for joint courses. Instead, a link to the course syllabus can be added to a page or module.

Syllabus with course literature is a tool added to Studium by Uppsala University and this requires a teacher or administrator to add it to the course menu in order for it to be visible to students, administrators and teachers.

To be able to add the tool you either have to have the role Institutionsadministratör at your department or have been added as a teacher or administrator in the course. Note that this has to be done for every course where Syllabus with course literature should be visible.

Screenshot of navigation settings in a course.

  1. Go to Settings in the course. Settings are always located at the bottom of the course menu.
  2. Choose the tab Navigation. Here you can choose which tools that should be visible in the course menu.
  3. Click on Syllabus with course literature and drag it to the upper table. You can place it wherever you prefer in the course menu.
  4. Click on Save.

When this is done you are now able to see Syllabus with course literature in the course menu, and when clicked on, the link to the syllabus in Selma will no open in a new tab in your browser.