Assignments | Create an Assignment



a. Create a New Assignment

  1. Click on Assignments via the course menu.
  2. Click + Assignment, in the top left corner.



b. Edit the Assignment

  1. Give the assignment a title.
  2. In the content box, you can write assignment instructions for your students. You can also add images, embed files or videos if you want. (Read the guide: Rich Content Editor to learn how.)



c. Set how the Assignment will be Graded

Scroll down, here you can set how the assignment will be graded.

  1. Points  — Even if the assignment will not be assessed on the basis of points, it is recommended that you still add a "1". This is because the system considers "0" a failure. And students will be confused why they received zero points on a completed assignment.

    If you are using a grading scheme, you must add the appropriate amount of points.

    NOTICE: Make sure your points are correct before you begin grading student submissions. If you edit the amount of points after grading students, all assessed submissions will be reset. 

  2. Assignment group — If you have already created assignment groups you can choose assignment group in the drop-down menu. If you have not created assignment groups, you can add skip this step. (Assignment groups are used for reporting results to Ladok. Read more.)

  3. Display grade as  —  Decide what grading type will be displayed to students. The simplest option is to use the Complete/incomplete option. If you use this, the student will be shown a tick or a cross which shows whether the assignment has been completed.

    It is also possible to use letter grading and choose a custom grading scheme such as: U/G/VG. Please note that regardless of what grading type you choose, points will always be shown to your students. 



d. Set how the Assignment will be Submitted

Here you can set if the students should, for example, submit a file, submit a text or if the students do not need to hand in an assignment at all.

  1. No submission — The students should not hand-in a submission. This is used in cases where you are, for example, marking attendance for a seminar. 

  1. Online — If the students should submit a file or a text, then the assignment type should be set as Online. This unlocks the following options:

    1. Text entry — If you want your students to write a text in Studium and submit it.
    2. Website URL — If your students should submit a URL as their assignment.
    3. Media Recordings — If you want the student to record a short video or audio recording. Please notice: If you want students to submit a Studio recording, they can do so via Text entry and not Media Recordings.
    4. File Uploads — If you want students to submit files. You can restrict which file types the student is allowed to submit.

  1. On paper — Functionally the same as No submission, however the system tells the student that the assignment should be handed in on paper.




e. Limit Submission Attempts

If you have chosen Online as the assignment submission type, then you have the option to limit the amount of attempts a student may submit.

  1. To restrict allowed attempts, choose Limited in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the number of attempts allowed.



f. Set the Assignment Due Date

  1. Assign to — Choose the students that should complete the assignment. By default, the assignment is assigned to Everyone. You can search for specific students by typing the first letters of their name.

  2. Due — Set the assignment's due date/time. Students can still hand-in submissions after this date, but their submissions will be marked as late.

  3. Available from — Set the time/date when students are allowed to view the assignment instructions and begin to hand-in their submissions. If the student opens the assignment before the Available from date, they will be told the time the assignment opens.

  4. Until — If the deadline is absolute, i.e. it is not possible to submit the assignment after this date, you can set this using the box Until.

  5. If you have students who have been granted extra writing time, you can allow this by clicking on the plus-icon. Add the students and set new due-dates for them.

Tip: You can set exceptions from assignment deadlines at any time. If you decide that a student has a valid reason to submit an assignment later, you can click on the Edit button within the assignment, and add an exception for the student. Using this method, you can deal with all submissions in the same place, and avoid having to create separate solutions for individual students. Guide: Supplementary Assignments.



g. Other Assignment Options


Check your students' submissions for plagiarism using Ouriginal (Urkund).

Group Assignments

If you want to create a group assignment, it is a good idea to set up the groups beforehand. Group assignments have a different submission page than the individual submission page.

Peer Review

To create a peer review assignment, read the guide: Peer Reviews. Sometimes it is a better idea to create a discussion or let students share their assignments with each-other via their group home pages. Let students read each others work

Anonymously Graded Assignments

IMPORTANT! Before you create anonymously graded assignments, read through this guide thoroughly: Anonymous Grading.



h. Save (and don't forget to publish)

When you have finished setting up the assignment, click Save at the bottom to save your progress.

Remember to publish your assignment as well. The assignment needs to be published for it to be visible to students. 



CG_3082_small-1.jpgHow does it look for the students?

 - Submit individual assignments

 - Submit group assignments

 - Submit peer review 








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