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Notifications in Studium
Studium sends you notifications about different types course activity. You can receive notifications to your e-mail or to your mobile phone (if you have the app installed). You decide what notifications to receive and how often you receive them. It is also possible to turn off notifications for all courses or a specific course.
Notice! These preferences only apply to you; they are not used to control how course updates are sent to other users.
Account Notifications
You can choose which notifications you receive and how often you receive notification e-mails. If you'd like, you can control notification settings for specific courses as well.
- Click on Account in the global menu and then click Notifications.
- You can control which notifications and the frequency of notifications to your e-mail. If you have installed the Canvas App, you can also control which push notifications you want to receive to your mobile phone. Reminder: Push notifications are ultimately controlled by your phones settings.
- The icons in the columns show how frequently the notification is set to be sent to you. Click the icon to choose how often you wish to receive that notification.
Notify immediately
— Receive a notification right away. (
These notifications may be delayed by up to one hour in case an instructor makes additional changes, which prevents you from being spammed by multiple notifications in a short amount of time.)
Daily summary
— To receive a daily notification, select the Daily summary option.
Weekly summary
— Receive a weekly summary. The date and time of your weekly notifications are posted at the bottom of the notifications page.
Notifications off
— If you do not want to receive a notification, select the Notifications off option.
A tip! If you place your cursor over the different notification categories, you can read more about what type of notification it is.
Course Notifications
You can set notifications preferences for individual courses. If you wanted to turn off all notifications except for one course, then you would turn off notifications at account level and enable them at course level.
Here is how:
- Go to the course homepage. To your right, click View Course Notifications.
- This view is similar to the notification settings at account level.
- If you want to turn off all notifications from this course, turn off "Enable Notifications for ___ Course" at the top.