Student Groups | Homepage

Visit the Group homepage

Every group created gets its own home page ⁠— a place where students in that group can create their own pages, start discussions, share files and work together only through only conferences or Google docs.

1. Click People in the course menu to the left.

2. Choose the tab for the group set that you want.

3. Click on the three dots to the right of the group name and choose Visit Group Homepage.

Navigate in the groups homepage

While inside the group's homepage you can navigate through the different functions in the Group menu to the left. Here you can do things like:

4. Announcements. Here you can post announcements that are visible only to this group. The students can also post their own announcements here.
– Click on Announcements and +Announcement to create an announcement for the group.

5. Create and manage pages for this group only. While it's not actually a wiki, group members can collaborate on the same page together and gather information together. There's also the ability to look at the page's history and restore old revisions so no information is accidentally lost.
– Click on Pages and +Page to create a new page for this group.

6. Group discussions. Here you and the students can create discussion for this group only. The discussions you have created at course level as group discussions are also seen here.
– Click on Discussions and +Discussion to create a new group discussion.

7. Files. Here you and the students can share files that only members of the group should access.

8. Switch group and leave groups. 
– Click Switch Group to jump to another group's homepage.
– To leave the group areas click the course name at the top.



You can also communicate a student group with Studium's message function Inbox. When you choose recipients in a course you click Student Groups, choose the group you want and the click Everyone in "Group name".