Checklist Before Publishing your Course


Visibility of modules and items

Once the administrator has imported the course materials, it is good that you check the modules and the visibility of the pages and items contained in them. On the modules page, you can easily unpublish all modules and items, or individual modules or individual items.

Our recommendation is to unpublish the assignments until you have updated them with new submission dates and any group connections.


Guide:  Modules


Update assignments

Assignments and dates

In Studium, you can find all compulsory and graded assignments listed under Grades or on the Assignments page. 
It is possible to quickly change several assignment dates at once without entering each assignment separately on the Assignments page.

Control group assignments and group sets

If the assignments are copied from a previous semester, it is very important that you check that the group assignments are linked to the correct group set in the new course. Please note that the group assignments connected group set cannot be changed after students have started submitting.


Student view

Use the Student View function to check that your course is functioning correctly, that is to say, everything that should be visible is visible, that the layouts aren't broken, and that all assignments can be handed in, etc.


Guide: Student view


Validate links

If the course links and files have been added correctly, they will work when the course material is imported into the new course. If the links/files have been copied and pasted, you will need to replace them with new links and files.

You can quickly validate if the links work in the course via Settings > Validate links in content.




In the the course settings (in the menu on the right) you will find a useful tool that creates a list over accessibility issues in your course. 

An overview that lets you see all of the modules: pages or assignments that are not checked. By clicking on the headings listed you can come directly to the that page or assignment to correct accessibility issues.




Publish your course

A course in Studium is not automatically visible to admitted and registered students. The teacher or administrator must always publish the course for students to access the course page.

If you don't want to show everything to students, you can unpublish parts of the course such as modules, assignments, etc.


As an instructor, you can easily publish courses via your Dashboard. Once a course is published it will be visible as a course card on the students' dashboard..