Calendar | Create Appointments


Bookable appointments

In the Calendar, you can create appointments which students can book. Appointments are connected to courses, therefore students must be in the participants list of a course you are teaching or administrating to be able to book a time. 

New in Studium? Check out our guide to the calendar.


Create appointments

  1. Click on the plus sign at the top of the calendar.
  2. Next click the Appointment Group tab.
  3. Give your appointments a name and a location. (Location is optional but we recommend adding a room or a Zoom link if the meeting is online.)
  4. Select Calendars. Here you can choose your course, courses or specific student sections.
  5. Check the box "Have students sign up as groups" if you want a student group to book a time. 

Next step is to add appointment slots. Let's say you want to create 60 minute appointments between 8 am and 2pm.

  1. Begin by adding a date and then enter 08:00 and 14:00 as the time range. 
  2. Next add the duration of each meeting and click Go

Now you should have several 60 minutes appointments. (If you wish to remove an appointment, simply click the X to the right of it.)

Lastly, let's take a look at our appointment options.

  1. "Limit each time slow to . . ." - How many students can book one appointment.
  2. "Allows students to see who has signed up . . ." - Check this is students are allowed to see who has signed up for a time slot which is not yet fully booked.
  3. "Limit participants to . . ." - How many appointments can one student book?
  4. In the last box, you can add additional details about the appointment or leave it blank. 
  5. Click Publish once you are done. Now the appointments will be added to the calendar. 




See who has booked an appointment


Back in the calendar, you should now be able to see your newly created appointments. Once an appointment is booked, the slot will go dark. (Sort of like the image to the right.) 

If you want to see who has booked an appointment, the best overview is found in the group details:

  1. Click on an appointment slot.
  2. Click Group Details.
  3. On this page you can add additional appointments, edit the appointment settings and details. 
  4. At the bottom of the page, you can see a exactly who has booked a time in the appointment group.
  5. Click Message Students to send a message to...
    - students which have no yet booked an appointment
    - students which have booked an appointment
    - all the students the course or student section




How do students book appointments?

Notice! Students do not see appointments in their calendar by default. To see available appointments, the student must click the Find Appointment button. After that a window will pop up asking them to choose a course. Once they have done so, the appointments will be visible.


Save the image below and show it to your students. Feel free to send your students the guide to the calendar as well.  Remember that students can only book appointments via a web browser and not in the Canvas app.






Top of the page.