Copy Content Between Courses
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Copy course content: 2 ways
In Studium, it is possible to copy an entire course or parts of a course. Consider which method is best for your course. If you are completely satisfied with last semester's course structure, then it may be easiest to copy over the entire course.However, if you want to avoid copying over announcements/change the course structure, it may be easier to pick up individual modules or assignments. In these cases, there are convenient copy functions that we talk about further down the page. NEVER... "copy and paste" pages because then links and images do not work. Also remember to link your group assignments to the new course's group sets. |
Import course content
Go to the empty new course where you want to move/copy the course material to. We will use the import function in Studium to move/copy all material or specific parts to the new course.
- Go to your new empty course.
- In the menu on the right, click Import Existing Content.
- In the drop-down menu Content type select: Copy a Canvas course.
- Choose the course you want to copy from or search for it by name.
- Choose whether you want to copy all course content or specific content.
- Check Adjust events and due dates if you want to adjust your assignments schedule, alternatively, if you want to clear existing due dates.
- Click Import when you are finished.
Import specific course content
If you decided to import specific content, then you will have an additional step to complete before content is copied between courses.
Click Select content; this opens a window with a list of different types of course content you can transfer. You can either check boxes here to select all of that type, or click the arrow to select more specific content.
When you are finished: to begin importing content click Select content.
It may take a minute.
Heads up... avoid running the import function multiple times and copying the same course content twice. The second copy will overwrite the original import. Talk to your colleagues and decide who will do the import instead.
Tre tips once the import is finished:
1. |
Validate linksUse Studium's link validation tool to see that all links still work, and that none are directed at old course sessions, e.g. Guide: How to validate links. |
2. |
Update assignment datesYou don't need to edit each assignment one by one, instead you can use Studium to mass edit several assignments at the same time. Here you will find a guide that shows how to do it. |
3. |
Connect groups to group assignmentsDiscussions and assignments that are connected to groups, you need to be extra careful with. Since the group sets are not in the new course, the assignments will be linked to "Project groups" and it works badly. If you find that you have imported something that is connected to "Project groups", you can unpublish it for the time being. Once the new groups are formed, you can edit the task settings and link to the correct group set before publishing. If you know that the course you are copying contains group data, you can prepare the import by going under People in the new course and making group compositions with the correct names. You don't have to make the groups themselves, but if you have the exact same name on the tabs in the new course, the import will connect correctly. |
Björn Vindemarker shows how you can easily import course material from a previous course to the latest course.