Course dates and course participation


Course dates and course participation

Courses transferred from Ladok to Studium are assigned a starting term. The starting term determines the date the course starts, (if you have not manually changed the start date in the course settings.)

Courses are open for five years from term's start date, before they are automatically closed. This means that students that have not yet completed the course will be able to continue participating and submitting late assignments (if assigned by a teacher) for five years after the course has started. Course administrators may close the courses earlier by manually changing the courses end dates. (See instructions at the bottom of this page.)

For students who have completed the course, the course will automatically conclude once they receive a completed course result in Ladok. Read more about concluded enrollments.


Courses - from start to finish

Notice: Courses must always be published in order for students to access them.


Before the course has started


Admitted students have access to a course before it begins if "Early Access for admitted students" is enabled and if the course is published. Admitted students will always have limited access to the course even once it has begun. They see the course in read-only mode and cannot participate or be assigned to groups.

Registered students have access to a course before it begins (as long as the course is published). Registered students cannot join groups, but can be assigned to groups by the teacher. Before the course has started, registered students will not be able to participate or hand-in assignments.

Notifications are not sent out to students before the course has started - with one exception. If you send messages to the students, they will receive it as a notification to their student e-mail. Important! If you wish to message admitted students, make sure to choose "Observers" as the recipient.

Notice: Announcements created before the course has begun will still be available for students, however no notifications will be sent to the students.

If the Schedule link is enabled in the course menu, both admitted and registered students will be able to access it before the course has started.


The teacher has full access to the course before it begins. The teacher can also assign registered students to groups.



During an active course


Students can participate in an active course as usual. Admitted students will still have restricted access until they are registered.

Notifications are sent to both admitted and registered students. Notice however, that notifications are a personal setting, this means students can choose if- and how frequently they receive notifications. Guide: Notifications


Teachers continue to have full access to a course.



Once students have completed a course


Students that have completed a course will still have access it, but cannot participate, hand-in assignments, etc. Completed courses can be found via Courses (global menu) > All courses > Past  enrollments.

No notifications will be sent out to students that have completed the course.


As a teacher, you can find previously enrolled students in different ways. Learn more about concluded enrollments.

Teachers can no longer send messages to concluded enrollments.



When the course is closed


Students will still have access to closed courses, but cannot participate, hand-in assignments, etc. 

No notifications will be sent out to students once a course has closed.

Groups in a closed course will no longer be accessible for students.

Teachers/ Admins

People (including teachers) cannot be added to a closed course. If a teacher wishes to access a course that they were not a part of, they will need a role with read-permission in order to search for that course (Permissions in Studium.)




Manually change course dates

It is possible to manually change your course start and end dates assuming the course has not yet already ended. Once a course has ended, it is only a department administrator who can change the course dates to open the course again. Alternatively, contact

This is how its done:

  1. Go to the course Settings > Course Information tab.
  2. Scroll down to Participation. In the drop-down menu, choose Course instead of Term.
  3. Now you can enter the courses start date and new end date. 
  4. Once you are done, scroll down and click Update course details to save.







Top of the page.