Gradebook | Manually Post Grades
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Manually Post Grades / Set Grade Posting Policy
By default, as soon as you enter a grade for an assignment it becomes visible to the student you're grading. Not only can the student see the grade the second it is set, but the student will also receive a notification that it has been set. And if the student has the Studium/Canvas app installed, they will receive a push notification on top of this. This leaves no room to make mistakes and can be irritating for students if you are grading later in the evening.
Therefore, we recommend that you change the grade posting policy in the Gradebook to post grades manually instead. This means that you can begin grading and the grades will be hidden from the students until you choose to post them.
Before reading this page, make sure you've read: Gradebook | Overview.
Set Grade Posting Policy
You can change the grade posting policy for the entire Gradebook or individual assignments. The advantages of setting the entire Gradebook is that you do not need change the grade posting policy for every assignment before grading which leaves less room for mistakes.
A. Set Grade Posting Policy for the Entire Gradebook
This is how to set the entire Gradebook to manual posting of grades:
- Go to Grades. Click the cog-wheel at the top right.
- A window should open. Click the tab " Grade Posting Policy".
- Check "Manually Post Grades", then click Update.
B. Set Grade Posting Policy for Individual Assignments
You can change the grade posting policy for individual assignments via the assignment column. Important! Always set the grade posting policy before you begin grading students.
- In the assignment column title, click the three dots to open the options menu. Choose Grade Posting Policy.
- See the right side panel, check Manually.
- Click Save. Now all grades set in the assignment will be hidden until you choose to post them.
How Does it Look in the Gradebook?
You can tell if an assignment is enabled for manual posting of grades in the title of the assignment column. If it says "Manual" then then entered grades will be hidden from students until you post them.
Once you begin marking students, an icon that looks like a crossed out eye should appear. This means that at least one grade is hidden from students.
The red dot means that grades/comments are hidden from that particular student.
Post the Students' Grades
Once you are finished marking the students, you can choose to post the grades.
Here is how:
- In the Gradebook, click the three dots in the assignment columns title. Choose Post Grades.
- A side panel should open to the right. Here you can choose to post grades for everyone or for graded students.
You can also choose to post grades for a specific student section if your course has divided students into sections. Click the switch "Specific Sections" and then select the sections you want to post grades to. - Click Post to finish.
NOTICE: If you are filtering the Gradebook by student groups and want to post grades, please keep in mind that the grades will still be posted to all students, not just the group you are viewing.
Hide the Students' Grades
We all make mistakes - and in emergencies you may want to hide the students' grades once again.
Here is how:
- Click the three dots in the title of the assignment column. Click Hide grades.
- In the side panel that opens to the right, click Hide to hide al student's grades.
(If you are using student sections, you can also select a certain section to hide before clicking Done.)
How Does it Look For the Student?
1. Grades hidden — The student sees their grade as a crossed out eye. If they place their cursor over it they will see: "Instructor is working on grades".
2. Posted grades — The student sees their grade as usual. If the student has notifications enabled, they will receive a notification letting them know that they have received a grade.