
Welcome to the course in philosphy of science and research methods!

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This course has been developed over the years for the masterprogramme in Sustainable Management.

The course aims at supporting and inspiring you in you generating interesting and high quality data for the Master thesis, but also challenging you in thinking beyond your thesis work in relation to philosophy of science and research methods, always with a focus of research connected to sustainability. Hopefully by the end of the course your horizons of what is and could become interesting and high quality research within the field of sustainable mangament will have become wider! The course builds on the motto “Learning by doing” - you will be working actively experimentning with trying different methods out, collecting data and discussing the quality of the result alongside with reading about methodology. 

Discussions about methods, methodology and philosophy of science will be held in relation to yourown on-going practical and theoretical work.

 The method book we recommend you to use as a point of reference is "Brymans social research methods" (listed on the courseplan). Additional material will be given during the course.

More information will be given at the course start and posted under each weeks module.

 To have an overview of the schedule, look into the Time Edit "Schedule" in the menu to the left. You also get an overview under Modules in left menu.

The course starts the 16 January at 13:15 and ends the 15 february.

Looking forward to seeing you and disucssing methods with you!


Kind regards,



Course coordinator: Matilda Dahl, ass Prof Business Department

Course administrator: Maria Petersen, Study administation






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