1.2 Meet some of our guest lecturers and educators VIDEO (06:36)
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Meet some of our guest lecturers and educators
In this video you will hear from some of the educators that you will meet throughout this course. Each one is presenting what they perceive as a key take home message for a climate change leader.
Karen O’Brien is a professor of sociology and human geography at the University of Oslo and she talks about the importance of being courageous and to acknowledge both the severity of the current challenges and one’s own potential to initiate and drive change.
Anneli Ekblom is a researcher and educator at the department of archeology at Uppsala University. She stresses the importance that as individuals we should not only take personal responsibility, but also demand change from our elected leaders. If there is one thing we can learn from history, it’s that there can always be change and that there is no such thing as inevitable lock-ins.
Ashok Swain is a professor of peace and conflict at Uppsala University and he says that we should start with ourselves and stop blaming others for their lack of commitment. He also acknowledges the importance of educating and informing people and leaders.
Doreen Stabinsky was the first visiting Zennström professor in climate change leadership from 2015-2016. For her, leadership comes from a commitment to act and she encourages students to get active where they feel most inspired to work.
Kevin Anderson was the second visiting Zennström professor in climate change leadership 2016-2017. He says that the most important thing is that we try. If we never try, nothing will change. We must believe in ourselves and that change can occur. In the end it comes down to all of us to try as hard as we can.
© Karen O’Brien, Anneli Ekblom, Ashok Swain, Doreen Stabinsky, Kevin Anderson, CEMUS and Uppsala University