AI-fundamentals (28/10)
Welcome to the workshop!
The session is divided into 2 parts:
- AI and LLM fundamentals - theory and applications
- Exercise session
Please find the slides here Download here for your reference!
For the exercise session, the questions are available here Download here. Also on GDoc Links to an external site..
There are total 10 questions, and we will evaluate the performance of ChatGPT and Copilot for the given prompts.
Please submit your response on Mentimeter Code: 4218 6235 with following details:
- Your score for ChatGPT (VG=2/G=1/U=0)
- Your score for Copilot (VG=2/G=1/U=0)
- Comments/reflections
The key to the exercise questions that I have tried can be referred here Download here. Also on GDoc Links to an external site..
For any further details, contact Ekta Vats:
Warm welcome!