Credited Education

As an examiner, you need to certify credited education directly in Ladok unless your Department has chosen to only use Ladok to document decisions on creditation that are made outside of Ladok. A brief descripton of how you certify credited education is presented below.

A detailed description of how credited education is documented in Ladok is available in Swedish in Tillgodoräknanden in the menu to the left. Should you need a more detailed description in English, please contact


Your home page will show you if there is credited education to certify, under the heading My ongoing cases.




Click on the link with the case number and it will take you to the case. Click Certify and choose between Decide or Document decision depending on how decisions are made about credited education at your Department.



If you click on Decide, your name and date will automatically appear. Click Save to complete the creditation. After this step, the link to the creditation does no longer appear on your home page.





If you click on Document decision, you need to fill in name and date for the decision. Click Save to complete the creditation. After this step, the link to the creditation does no longer appear on your home page.
