Dashboard & the Global Menu

1. Starred courses — These cards are your starred courses. See point (4.) for more information.

Account.png2. Account. — Under account you will find settings for personal details such as name, title, profile image and notifications. 

Dashboard.png3. Dashboard — The dashboard (as in the big example above) is Studiums starting page. Here you will find an overview of your starred courses.

4. Courses — Lists all your courses so you can quickly navigate between them. You can choose which of your courses are starred on the dashboard (1.) under Courses (in the global menu) -> All courses.

5. Calendar —The calendar shows all dated events in all your courses. You can filter (hide/show) dated content by course. As an instructor you can also change dates here and book meetings. (Read more about the calendar here.)

6. Inbox —Studium's inbox is equivalent to Studiums own emailing service. Here you can communicate with your colleagues, students and administrators. A handy function is the ability to message specific groups of students such as all students who have yet to hand in a certain assignment.

If you want, you can connect Studiums inbox with Outlook and handle all email from outlook instead. Read more about this here: Conversations (Inbox) 

7. History — Shows your most recently visited pages in Studium.

8. Commons — Is a place to share content with other course instructors. Here you can search for subjects and find content such as quizzes or entire courses. You can also find templates for your course.

9. Help — The help tab links to several resources meant to help you as an instructor.

10. <- — Minimizes the global menu.

10. — The right sidebar shows you tasks and events that are Coming Up and lists a to-do list for all your courses.