

Overview of the Calendar

Calendar.pngOpen Studium's calendar via the Calendar button in the global menu. The calendar gives you a quick overview over all the dated events and due assignments in all of your active courses. You can also edit dates/times directly in the calendar.

If you are interested in creating bookable meetings, see our guide: Calendar (Create Appointments)

Here's how it works:

  1. In the center, you have the calendar view with all the items within 30 days. Due assignments and dated events appear as colored boxes. The calendar can also be viewed week-by-week or as an agenda (future events listed in chronological order.)
  2. You can navigate to a different month or week via the arrows in the top left corner.
  3. The colors are linked to the different courses. You can filter through the courses on the left by clicking them on and off.



Edit date and time

If you want to, you can edit dates and times directly in the calendar. 

  • You can either click on an item and click Edit.
  • Or you can click and drag the item to another date.