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What are Modules?
Modules allow instructors to organize content to help control the flow of the course. Modules can be used to organize course content by weeks, units, or a different organizational structure.
Each module can contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials. You can link to already existing content in a module or create new content directly in the module.
Why should I use modules?
- Modules create structure which makes it easier for students to find material in their courses. Without modules, course content is only located in their respective areas, which makes it harder for students to find what they need.
- Modules creates a linear flow through the course. Once a student opens a page linked in a module, they will see buttons at the bottom to navigate to the next page in the module.
- Instructors get a much better overview of what is published and what is unpublished in modules.
- With modules, instructors can set a date in which all content below it will unlock.
Create a Module
- Go to the Modules page and click the +Module button at the top right corner.
- Give your module a name.
- Click Add module once you are done.
- Notice! In order for students to see the content inside the module, you must publish the module. To do so: Left-click the circle in the modules header. If the circle is green, the module is published and visible to students.
Add Items to Modules
What's important to remember is that modules just contain links to the rest of the course. If you delete an item/page/assignment from a module, the item/page/assignment has not been deleted from the course and can still be accessed via the course menu.
Here's how you link to course content:
- Click the plus sign in the module header.
- Choose what you wish to link to. In the example image below I have chosen to link to a page in the course.
- I have not yet created any pages in my course, therefore I click [New page] to create a new page. (If you have already created pages in your course, they will be listed in this box.)
- I give my new page a name.
- Now that I have given my page a namn, I click Add item. Now I have successfully created a link to a page in my module.
Create Structure in the Module
If you have a module with many items added to it, consider whether or not it can be split into two modules. Sometimes it would not make sense to split the module however, so here are our tips on how to structure your content.
- Text header — One way to split the module into groups without creating a new module is to add text headers. In the image below, we have used text headers to separate reading material and assignments. You can add text headers the same way you add other content via the plus sign in the modules header.
2. Indent — The image below shows one way you can indent items in a module. To increase the indent, click the three dots the right of an item and click Increase indent.
Edit Modules
You can edit a module by clicking on the three dots in the module's header. This opens the options menu:
- To edit the module's name - or to set prerequisites and requirements - click on Edit.
- Click on Move contents to move all the links in the module to another module.
- If you want to move the modules position up or down, click Move module. (This can also be done by dragging the 8 dots on the left side of the module header.)
- Delete. This button deletes the entire module. (NOTICE: All the content in the module will not be deleted and can still be found in it's respective area in the course. Deleting the module just removes the links to the content.)
Tip! If you have many modules, you may wish to minimize them and just show the ones relevant to you. You can minimize them by clicking on Collapse all at the very top of the modules page. Click on a modules header to show the content within it.