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Evaluation metric for mini-project report
Evaluation metric for mini-project report
Criteria Ratings Pts
Subset of methods
threshold: pts
1 Pts
Complete, well done!
The subset of methods chosen to explore is sufficiently large (methods from at least as many ‘families’ as there is group members)
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
Not enough methods explored
1 pts
Tasks (a)-(c) in Section 2.2
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
All tasks (a)-(c) in Section 4.2 are made for each method.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
For at least one method at least one of the tasks (a)-(c) in Section 4.2 is not made.
5 pts
Description of the considered methods
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The considered methods are described correctly and in an understandable manner.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The considered methods are not described correctly and/or the description is difficult to follow.
5 pts
Technical quality of the proposed solution
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The considered methods have been used in a relevant way to address the problem and there are no flaws in the reasoning and motivations used.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The considered methods have not been used in a relevant way to address the problem and/or there are flaws in the reasoning and/or motivations used.
5 pts
Requirements in Section 4.1
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The report includes everything required from Section 6.1.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The report does not include everything required from Section 6.1
5 pts
Feature importance task
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The feature importance is discussed seriously.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The feature importance is not discussed seriously.
5 pts
Data analysis task
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The data analysis is implemented correctly and the assigned questions are discussed seriously.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The data analysis is not discussed seriously.
5 pts
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Excellent language quality
The text is well written and easy to follow. No or very few grammar and spelling mistakes.
3 Pts
Satisfactory language quality
The text includes some spelling and/or grammar mistakes but the readability is not affected in a major way.
0 Pts
Unsatisfactory language quality, revision required
The text is difficult to read and follow because of poor language.
5 pts
threshold: pts
5 Pts
The report follows the format requirements (correct template, page limitation, etc).
0 Pts
Not OK, revision required
The report does not follow the format requirements (correct template, page limitation, etc).
5 pts
Total points: 41 out of 41