Tillämpad läkemedelsanalys 3FK228 35005 HT2022
Course start page
Welcome to the course!
Please note that before the start, you have to register for the course online! Students that wish to participate must register by themselves within the registration period 2022-11-23 - 2022-11-30 in order to not risk losing their place on the course.
Webb registration is necessary and can be done via Ladok https://www.student.ladok.se/student/loggain (Links to an external site.).
Schedule for the first day of the course (30/11)
Course introduction on the 30th of November at BMC in room A5:208b between 10.15-12.00
Handouts: Course introduction.pdf
The lecture between 13.15-14.00 is held through Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/61308133566
Handouts : Anders K.pdf
The lecture between 14.15-15.00 is held at: A5:208b.
Handouts: Lecture Mikael_H.pdf
Please note that most lectures and seminars with location called "A5:2, Labsalar, BMC" is A5:208b unless otherwise noted in TimeEdit. We will change this as soon as possible so that the correct rooms are updated in TimeEdit
Schedule for the course can be found at: https://cloud.timeedit.net/uu/web/schema/ri1X50g77560Y7QQ8YZ9709Y0Zy000Q675062Q565f.html
Program information for the Pharmacist program: https://uppsala.instructure.com/courses/31001
Contact information
Course leader: Mikael Engskog (mikael.engskog@ilk.uu.se)
Course administration: Sandra Bratt och William Lozancic (kursadmin@ilk.uu.se)
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |