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Evaluation metric for project report
Evaluation metric for project report
Criteria Ratings Pts
Subset of methods
threshold: pts
1 Pts
Complete, well done!
The subset of methods chosen to explore is sufficiently large (methods from at least as many ‘families’ as there are group members)
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
Not enough methods explored
1 pts
Tasks in Section 4.2 for each method
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
All mandatory tasks [tasks (a)-(c)] in Section 4.2 are completed for each method.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
For at least one method, at least one of the mandatory tasks [tasks (a)-(c)] in Section 4.2 is not completed.
5 pts
Description of the considered methods
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The considered methods are described correctly and in an understandable manner. The description captures the most important aspects of the methods in relation to the project objective.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The considered methods are not described correctly and/or the description is difficult to follow, and/or the description does not capture the most important aspects of the methods in relation to the project objective.
5 pts
Technical quality of the proposed solution
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The considered methods have been used in a relevant way to address the problem and there are no flaws in the implementation, reasoning and motivations used. This applies to the main methods as well as methods for model tuning and model evaluation/comparison.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The considered methods have not been used in a relevant way to address the problem and/or there are flaws in the implementation/reasoning/motivations used. This applies to the main methods and/or methods for model tuning and/or model evaluation/comparison.
5 pts
Requirements in Section 5.1
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
The report includes everything required from Section 5.1.
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
The report does not include everything required from Section 5.1
5 pts
Data analysis task
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Complete, well done!
All questions in the data analysis task in Section 3 is answered and implemented correctly, and the assigned questions are discussed seriously. The conclusions are supported by reasonable motivations, and the findings are supported with evidence (statistics, plots etc).
0 Pts
Incomplete, revision required
At least one part of the data analysis task in Section 3 is missing, incorrect or not sufficiently motivated, and/or the data analysis task is not discussed seriously.
5 pts
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Excellent language quality
The text is well written and well structured. It is easy to follow the text, and it contains no or very few grammar and spelling mistakes.
3 Pts
Satisfactory language quality
The text includes some spelling and/or grammar mistakes but the readability is not affected in a major way.
0 Pts
Unsatisfactory language quality, revision required
The text is difficult to read and follow because of poor language.
5 pts
threshold: pts
5 Pts
The report follows the format requirements (correct template, page limitation, etc).
0 Pts
Not OK, revision required
The report does not follow the format requirements (correct template, page limitation, etc).
5 pts
Total points: 36 out of 36