Upload your report for the project here before the deadline. The report must be in pdf format. You can find the instructions for the project on the project page.
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
The considered methods are described correctly and in an understandable manner. The description captures the most important aspects of the methods in relation to the project objective.
The considered methods are not described correctly and/or the description is difficult to follow, and/or the description does not capture the most important aspects of the methods in relation to the project objective.
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.
The considered methods have been used in a relevant way to address the problem and there are no flaws in the implementation, reasoning and motivations used. This applies to the main methods as well as methods for model tuning and model evaluation/comparison.
The considered methods have not been used in a relevant way to address the problem and/or there are flaws in the implementation/reasoning/motivations used. This applies to the main methods and/or methods for model tuning and/or model evaluation/comparison.
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.
All questions in the data analysis task in Section 3 is answered and implemented correctly, and the assigned questions are discussed seriously. The conclusions are supported by reasonable motivations, and the findings are supported with evidence (statistics, plots etc).
At least one part of the data analysis task in Section 3 is missing, incorrect or not sufficiently motivated, and/or the data analysis task is not discussed seriously.
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.