This assignment does not count toward the final grade.
Sign up for a project group
- Due 9 Nov 2023 by 17:00
- Points None
Sign up for a project group with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 students. Note that you have to sign up for a group or the "Place-me-in-a-group" option in order to participate in the project. Participation in the project is a mandatory part of the course. After the deadline, we will fill up groups with fewer than 3 or 4 students with students from the "Place-me-in-a-group" option, so be prepared to welcome new students to your group. We will also merge existing groups with too few students, such that there are no groups with fewer than 3 or 4 students. It is not possible to participate in the project if you do not sign up to a group or "Place-me-in-a-group" before the deadline. No exceptions will be made.