Course syllabus


Welcome to the Innovation Game Summer School



You should have recieved a welcome e-mail with basic information. (Find it here)

If you lack any information or have questions, please contact the course leader, Erik Olsson (


We will meet on Monday the 5th of August at 8.15 in the Learning lab (laborativa lärosalen) in Blåsenhus, Uppsala

The adress to Blåsenhus: von Kraemers allé 1, Uppsala Map to Blåsenhus


Studium, Uppsala University Learning Plattform (LMS)

Please, make the settings in Studium, according to your preferences. To start with, choose the language in this way (the default setting is in Swedish):

  1.  In the global menu (to the left), click Konto.
  2. This opens a list. Click Inställningar.
  3. On the right, find the button redigera inställningar. Click it.
  4. Look for Språk. In the drop box "Systeminställning (Svenska)", click it and choose English.
  5. Click Uppdatera inställningar. You may need to reload the page in the web-browser to see the changes. You have now changed your language to English in Studium.


The summer school is organized in two parts

  1. Individual studies: reading course literature, watching videos, and playing and analyzing games. This part of the course corresponds to one-week individual studies and counts as 1.5 credits. (See assignments after 1st of June )
  2. The second part of the course is the scheduled two weeks. These two weeks, the 5th - 16th of August, include mandatory participation in full day activities and include lectures, workshops and group work. Here is a preliminary schedule.


Course literature and Assignments

There are preparatory readings and assignments to do before we meet on campus. Please, start these preparations in good time!

The course literature comprises of

  1. The book "The Gamification of Learning and Instruction" by Karl M. Kapp, especially chapter 1 - 5, this will be examined before the 7th of August (see below).
  2. The article “MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research” by Hunicke, LeBlanc & Zubeck
  3. The book chapter “Guidelines for Designing Effective Games as Clinical Interventions: Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics, and Outcomes (MDAO) Framework” by Browning. 

The book by Karl M. Kapp is available in most bookshops on the web and occasionally in libraries (it should be in Uppsala University's). The article and book chapter by Browning, #2. & #3. above, are provided via the links above. 


There are 5 preparatory assignments to do before coming to campus corresponding to 1.5 credits.

1. First we want you to have some game experience. If possible also from a serious game. Here are some suggestions. Comment on your game play briefly.

2. We also want you to watch some videos for inspiration. Here they are. Comment briefly.

3. Central to this course is health behaviours and behaviour change. Watch this video and answer the embedded questions.

4. Regarding game design, there are some basic theoretical concepts to understand. Apply these in an analysis of a game you know well.

5. Read the assigned chapters of the Kapp-book and take this test.

All five tasks should be completed before we meet at campus the 5th of August.

Description of the course - in short

In the perspective of current and future challenges for health and health care, this course will discuss innovative processes and novel health technologies to improve health care services and enhance self-management of health.

The competences; understanding group dynamics, leadership and decision making, to run projects and solve problems in multidisciplinary teams, will be discussed and practiced in teams while focusing on need-based challenges provided by e.g. experts from the health care sector. The course will integrate the basics of game design with the practical application of games and simulations as tools to address the assigned challenges. Psychological knowledge about changing behaviors and attitudes will also be presented and discussed. At the end of the course the teams will present and defend their ideas and/or solutions to a panel of invited innovators, needs petitioners and experts.



Course summary:

Date Details Due