Course starting page
Welcome to the course!
To join the course, register through Ladok. The course registration will be open until 2nd of September 2024. If you do not register on time, you may lose your place on the course.
- Course Leader: Oscar Verho (oscar.verho@ilk.uu.se)
- Course Administrators: kursadmin@ilk.uu.se
- Course Start: 2024-09-02 kl 13-14 (on Zoom, please see schedule for link)
- Course Literature:
Carey, Francis A.; Sundberg, Richard J. : Advanced organic chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms, 5 ed
Carey, Francis A.; Sundberg, Richard J. : Advanced organic chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis, 5 ed
There are a limited number of copies of these books that can be loaned from us.
Clayden, Jonathan, Greeves, Nick, Warren, Stuart; Organic Chemistry 2ed
We strongly recommend that you buy this book, however there are a limited number of copies that can be loaned from us.
- Pharmacy Programme Page https://uppsala.instructure.com/courses/31001
- Re-registration:
If you have taken the course previously and need to complete compulsory parts such as laboratory work, you must apply to re-register for the course. More information and all forms are available on the program pages.
Application for re-registration must be made before the start of the course (before the start of the semester for discontinued courses). Late applications will not be processed. Re-registration is not required to resit a written exam.
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Datum | Information | Sista inlämningsdatum |
Sön den 31 okt 2021 | Uppgift Workshop 7 | ska lämnas in senast 23.59 |
Uppgift Workshop 1 | ||
Uppgift Workshop 2 | ||
Uppgift Workshop 3 | ||
Uppgift Workshop 4 | ||
Uppgift Workshop 5 | ||
Uppgift Workshop 6 | ||
Uppgift Workshop 8 | ||
Uppgift Workshop 9 |