Before certifying grades in Ladok


Make sure that all grades and comments are posted

It is important that all grades and comments are posted/published for the students - before you begin reporting grades to Ladok. Once a student receives a completed course result in Ladok, they will receive the status "Completed" in Studium. This means that no new grades or comments can be given or posted in the Gradebook/SpeedGrader. This makes it important to do things in the correct order.

You can see if there are hidden grades in the assignment column in the Gradebook. The crossed out eye icon indicates that there is one or several hidden grades/comments. The red dot indicates that grades/comments are hidden for that specific student.

To post grades, follow these instructions:

Click on the options menu (three dots) in the assignment column header and select Post grades. In the tab that opens, select Everyone and then click the button Post.

GUIDE     For more detailed information and step-by-step guides see: Manually Post Grades



Now that you have double checked that everything looks good in the Gradebook, you can begin reporting grades to Ladok. This is done either with the report results tool - or by reporting directly in Ladok.

GUIDE     Learn how to use the Report Results tool.



The final step is to certify the students grades in Ladok. This should only be done when you are completely certain that the students can see their results in Studium and do not need additional feedback.

Notice: In some courses where there is only one Ladok module, the students enrollments will be concluded as soon as you certify their grades.

GUIDE     Read more about concluded enrolments.