Report Results to Ladok
INFO This guide is for teachers and adminstrators. Notice that in order to be able to report results to Ladok you must have the Ladok-permission: Rapportera resultat (Report results).
The Result Report tool
To report results directly from your course in Studium to Ladok, you can use the tool Result Report. How does it work? Graded assignments are added to assignment groups in Studium, which are then linked to their respective Ladok modules.
In short, the workflow is as follows:
- Create assignments.
- Group the assignments based on what is required to get a grade on the various Ladok modules included in the course.
- Link the assignment groups to the different Ladok modules in the Result report tool.
- Report the grades and give comments.
Further down this page we go through the steps more thoroughly, but this is the basic principle. It is possible to first create assignment groups and then the assignments, depending on how you like to work. Reporting results from joint section courses is done in the same way as regular courses, it just looks a little different.
More information regarding joint courses:
- Students must be in a section that is connected to Ladok. It is therefore not possible to report results for students who are manually added to a joint course.
- In the first step of reporting, Ladok modules are linked to assignment groups for all included courses, instead of just one. (See picture and instruction further down this page).
- Each Ladok module is reported separately, just as for individual courses.
Add tool
In order to use Result report, you must first add the tool to the course menu. This is done in the course itself under Settings > Navigation. Add the tool by dragging it up from the lower field to the upper, then Save. The tool is now displayed as a link in the course menu. The Report Result link is never visible to students. More detailed instructions can be found here: Course Navigation Menu.
Create assignment groups
An assignment group is used to group assignments that belong together. Each assignment group should mirror the assignments necessary to achieve a grade in a Ladok module (one assignment group for each Ladok module).
Create an assignment group
Begin by going to the Assignments page and clicking +Group. Give the assignment group a name that makes it easy to identify which Ladok module it is mirroring. Save.
Assignments can be added to the assignment groups in two different ways:
A.) In the assignment settings
B.) or in the assignments page, click the 8 dots to the left of the assignment and drag it to the correct assignment group.
Tip! We recommend that you create an extra assignment group that will not be connected to any Ladok module. In the extra assignment group you can add all non graded assignments which will not be reported to Ladok.
Link assignment group to a Ladok module
By linking an assignment group to a Ladok module, you can send a draft or final grade to Ladok when the assessments are set. The students must have received assessments on all the assignments they are assigned, which are part of the assignment group, in order to be included in the results reporting.
Extra assignments
Sometimes some students need to do an extra assignment. When creating the assignment, you assign only those students to that specific assignment. The students who have had extra assignments assigned to them will be added to the results report when they have a grade on the original assignment and on the specific assignment.
Example: Three students have missed a seminar and must do an extra assignment instead. You give them a grade (ie Incomplete or U, for example) on the seminar they missed, so that they have a grade in that column. When they then receive a grade on the extra assignment, it will also be visible in its column, in the tool Result report. The other students also come along because they have received grades on the assignments they have to do.
How to link assignment groups to Ladok modules
- Begin by clicking on Result report in the course menu.
- A new tab will now open in your browser where you can choose which Ladok module to link to which assignment group.
- Once the link is made, the Report button will be activated. (Note: There has to be assignments in the assignment group to begin Reporting.)
How to link assignment groups to Ladok modules in joint courses
The process of linking assignment groups to Ladok modules in joint courses is the same as for single courses, except you repeat the procedure for each course instance in the joint course.
- Begin by clicking on Result report in the course menu.
- A new tab will now open in your browser where you can choose which Ladok module to connect to which assignment group.
- Once the connections are made, the Report buttons will be activated, if there are assignments in the assignment groups.
Report grades
When the time comes to report grades to Ladok, go to your course in Studium and click on Result report. Next click on Report under the Ladok module you want to report grades for.
You will now be directed to the Report grades page. On this page students will be displayed beneath “Report grade for XXX, Ladok module XXX (xxxx)”. In order for students to appear in this list they must have either received a grade or been "Excused" for every assignment in the assignment group which is connected to the Ladok module. If there are students who have received a grade for an extra assignment, they will also be displayed here as long as the assignment was included in the assignment group.
Re-registered students are marked with an X in the column REREG.
Notice: In the image above only students with passing grades are listed. Students with failed results are hidden by default - but can be displayed by checking a box if you wish to report results for them. (Shown with the red arrow in the image below.)
Once the grades are selected (the leftmost check boxes) and you want to save them, you may choose to either save the grades as a draft or commit the results to Ladok. If you select the first option, the student will remain on the list of students ready for reporting but will have a grade inserted. The table will also turn green and it will say “Saved as draft” below the student’s name.
When you are ready to commit the grades to Ladok, you have the option to email the examiner for the Ladok module. You can choose the examiner in the drop-down menu below the list of students and grades. Once the grades are committed, the examiner will receive an e-mail informing them that there are grades to examine in Ladok.
Please note! In order to be able to save the reported grades as a draft, the students must be marked in the leftmost column and must have received a grade.
If you wish to commit a grade as final, the examination date must also be entered. When you have committed the grade as final in Ladok, these students will appear under the heading Committed grades. If you need to change or remove final grades it must be done in Ladok.
Students whose grades cannot be reported
Under this heading, you will find students whose grades cannot be reported. There can be several explanations as why the student's grades cannot be reported, for example: if a student has already achieved a passing grade for the module, if the student is an incoming exchange student only registered to part of the course, or if the student has interrupted their studies.
You can find out why the student cannot be reported by checking the students situation in Ladok.
Filtering, sorting, colour marking, re-registration and email to attestant
Students with one or more failing grades are marked with redAs mentioned earlier in the guide, it is possible to show students with a failing grade on one or more assignments in the list and it is therefore possible to report results for them if necessary. The failing grades that the tool takes into account are U, F and Incomplete. These reviews are also marked in red in the list to make it clearer to see who they are. They are also hidden by default. There is a box to check to bring them up in the list. |
Students that are "excused" are marked with yellowSometimes students may have managed their assignment in a different way than the other students, for example having to do an oral task or already have a creditable grade entered in Ladok. Then you can use the grade Excused and to make it a little clearer in the Results reporting tool, the grade Excused is marked in yellow in the list. |
Sorting columnsYou can sort by column in the list by clicking on the column header. Clicking once more inverts the list. |
Re-registered studentsThere is a column for re-registered students. If a student is re-registered at the time of the course, an X will appear in this column. |
Email the examiner
It is possible to email the person who attests the Ladok module in Ladok. Select the current attestant in the drop-down list below the grade table. The attestant receives a message that there is something in Ladok to attest to. The attestants that appear in the drop-down list are those who are entered as attestants in Ladok.