Gradebook | Grading in the Gradebook


Grading Students in Studium

In Studium, you can grade students in different places: either directly in the Gradebook or in Studium's grading tool SpeedGrader.

In the Gradebook, here you will see all assignments and submissions in one place. If you want to mark attendance, for example, then marking directly in the Gradebook will be easier than marking students one-by-one in SpeedGrader. Before grading in the Gradebook, it is recommended that you read: Gradebook | Overview 

If you want to view the students' submitted documents, then you will want to use SpeedGrader. All grades set in SpeedGrader will also be visible in the Gradebook. Read: Gradebook | Grading in SpeedGrader 



Grading in the Assignment Column

You can grade students directly in the Gradebook. Before you begin grading students, it is recommended that you read the guide Gradebook | Overview. 

Follow these steps:

    1. Click on a submission.
    2. Enter a grade:
      1. If the assignment is to be marked with points, you can enter the points in the box.


    1. If the assignment is to be marked as complete/incomplete, then you can choose between a checkmark (complete), or the X (incomplete). You can also choose if the assignment shall remain ungraded or if the student has been excused from handing in the assignment. (The status "Excused" can be used in several ways. Read more about it further down on the page.)




Grading in the Side Panel 

You can grade an assignment and change the submissions status in the side panel.

  1. Click on a student's submission.
  2. Click the icon that looks like a rectangle with an arrow pointing right. 
Gradebook_OpenSidePanel.png Gradebook_PanelTop.png

A window should have opened to the right. In this window:

  1. Click SpeedGrader to open the student's submission in SpeedGrader. 

  2. You can set the grade for the assignment here.

  1. You can change the status of the students submission. For example, if a submission is marked as late, you can remove this status manually by checking "None". 

    What do the different statuses mean?
    Late — The assignment as submitted after due-date.
    Missing — The assignment has not been submitted by the student (and the due-date has passed).
    Excused — The status "Excused" can be used in different ways. Some instructors will use "Excused" if a student, for example, has to hand in 3 of 4 assignments to pass. The instructor can then mark the fourth assignment as excused.  Another use for "Excused" could be if the student has already handed in the assignment in a previous course. 

    If you wish to use the tool Report Results to Ladok, then the student must have receive a grade or the status "Excused" to be able to be reported.  

  2. Leave a comment in the comment box. This comment will be visible in SpeedGrader as well. 



Set a Default Grade

It can be convenient to set a default grade for all students, for example, in cases where you are marking attendance. 

  1. Begin by marking all students who will not receive the default grade. 
  2. In the assignment column title, click the three dots to open the options menu. Select Set default grade

  1. Set the grade.
  2. If you want to overwrite all grades, check the box "Overwrite already-entered grades". If you are marking attendance and you have already marked the students which have not attended, leave this box unchecked. 
  3. Click Set default grade once you are finished. 


NOTICE: If you are filtering the Gradebook by student groups and set a default grade, this will be set for all students, not just the group you are viewing. 

However, if you filter by student sections instead, the default grade will only be set for the section you are viewing.






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