Supplementary Assignments
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Supplementary assignment as an extra submission
It can be practical to keep all assignments and supplementary assignments in the same place. If you want students to send in a supplementary assignment, we first need to take a look at the assignment settings.
- Make sure that multiple submission attempts are allowed. You can limit the amount or set it as unlimited.
- If necessary, extend the assignment's deadline for individual students.
How to extend the deadline for individual students:
1. Scroll to the bottom of the setting page; click + Add.
2. In this new box, type the names of the students you wish to assign an extended deadline to.
3. Enter the extended deadline in the Due date box. (If you have set an Until date make sure to extend it as well.)
4. In the box with the original due date, Assign to "Everyone" has now changed to "Everyone Else". Do not remove this or the students will lose access to their submitted assignments and their results.
5. Don't forget to Save.
Now your students will be able to submit their supplementary assignment. You can instruct them to submit it in the same assignment page as they did originally.
Reassign the assignment in SpeedGrader
For online assignments with a due date, instructors can Reassign an assignment directly in SpeedGrader. The reassignment does not change the original due date for the student. When you reassign an assignment in SpeedGrader, the student will once again be able to see the assignment and your comment/feedback in their to-do list.
To be able to reassign:
- The assignment must have a due date.
- The students must be allowed several attempts.
- If you have set a final date and that date has passed, you must either assign the students a new final date or alternatively remove the final date. (If you reassign an assignment that has already passed it's final date, the student will see they have been assigned a supplementary attempt but will not be able to submit a new attempt.)
- To be able to reassign an assignment, you must first leave a comment to the student in SpeedGrader.
How to reassign an assignment:
1. In SpeedGrader, leave a comment for the student and click Submit. (It is not necessary to add a grade.)
2. Click the Reassign Assignment button.
(If the button is greyed out: Have you submitted your comment? Does the assignment have a due date? Does the student have multiple attempts to submit the assignment? Has the student handed in an assignment?)
This is what the student sees:
3. Students can view assignments which are due on their dashboard in Studium or on the course's home page via a to-do list. Once the student submits an assignment, the assignment disappears from their to-do list. Once an instructor reassigns the assignment, the assignment will once again be added to the student's to-do list.
4. Students can also see when they receive feedback on a assignment on their dashboard or on the course's home page.
Remember: If you are manually posting grades in the course, the students will not be able to view their feedback until you have posted their grades.
Where can I find supplementary submissions
When a student hands in an extra submission as a supplementary assignment, you can see these assignments in two places:
- In Grades - If the students have all been graded, once a student hands in another submission, the ungraded icon will reappear.
- In SpeedGrader - You can toggle between old submissions and new ones via the drop down menu "Submission to view".
- Comments and feedback that are added in SpeedGrader are connected to each submission attempt.
- Instructors kan view new and old annotated submissions via SpeedGrader.
- Students can view feedback on old submissions and new submissions on the assignments page. How do assignments look for students?
Supplementary assignment as a new assignment
If the supplementary assignment requires new instructions- consider creating the supplementary assignment as a new assignment completely. We only want the students who are handing in the supplementary assignment to see this assignment, therefore we must manually assign those students in the assignment settings:
Manually assign students:
1. Scroll to the bottom of the assignments settings page; remove "Everyone" from the Assign to box. Instead add the students which should hand in the supplementary assignment.
(Type the first few letters of the students names to more easily find the correct students.)
2. Set the due date for the supplementary assignment.
3. Save (or save and publish) the assignment. You will be warned that not all sections (students) have been assigned this assignment. You can ignore this warning.
Supplementary assignments in the Gradebook
We have now created two assignments, therefore there are now two assignment columns in the Gradebook. One with the original assignment and one with the new supplementary assignment.
- When the students hand in their supplementary assignments, they will be visible in the supplementary assignment column. This is where you regrade the students.
- Only students which have been assigned the supplementary assignment will show up here. The rest of the students will be grayed out.