Course syllabus



















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Welcome to the joint programme page for the Master's Programme in Medical Research


We hope that you will fully enjoy this education in such a fast developing and ever current subject.


During the first year of studies, the students receive a comprehensive theoretical and practical basis for performing cutting-edge biomedical research. Important concepts of genetic and genomic research in model animals and human diseases, as well as cellular processes from genes to expressed proteins, cell-signalling and tumour development are covered. The students are trained in advanced molecular techniques and bioinformatic methods for production, analysis and presentation of large data sets. Through lectures, seminars, practical exercises and tasks, the students are given the opportunity to work with a selection of current biomedical research questions in order to develop the ability to propose scientific questions, independently plan experimental design and analysis, as well as critically evaluate and interpret scientific results, including ethical aspects of biomedical research.

During the first year, all students at the medical master programmes are also enrolled in a joint lecture series, called Professional Training.
During the second year, the students will gain deepened practical research training through individual research projects. Students are supervised by established researchers, engage in research group activities and interact with the research groups in a similar manner as PhD students. Additionally, the students also participate in a Science Presentation module, which further develops the students' communication and presentation skills. The gained proficiency is adopted in compiling a review article on the topic of the research project and a written Master's thesis, along with presentations of own and assessment of other students' research projects.

Note, minimum 45 credits of year one must be completed in order to continue with the second year of studies.


Syllabus for the Master's Programme in Medical Research

Outline for the Master's Programme in Medical Research


Year 1

3MR100, Comparative Genomics for Biomedicine (autumn 2024), 15.0 c*

3MR101, Biomedical Research Methodology (autumn 2024), 15.0 c

3MR102, Cell Communication (spring 2024), 7.5 c

3MR104, Cell and Tumour Biology (spring 2024), 7.5 c

3MR103, Bioinformatics (spring 2024), 15.0 c

Year 2

3MR001, Advanced Research Training (autumn 2024), 30.0 c*

3MR010, Degree Project (spring 2024), 30.0 c*

*Mandatory courses


Programme E-mail

You are welcome to contact our general programme email address if you have any questions, and it will be directed to the right person.



Important Information About Programme Start


  • Starting Year 1 of the programme:

Mandatory Programme Roll call: 2024-09-02 at 08:15 at Uppsala Biomedical Centre (BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala), room A9:111a, BMC.

If you are unable to attend, please notify us as soon as possible via the programme e-mail:

Mandatory first Course Roll Call: 2024-09-03 at 08:15 at Uppsala Biomedical Centre (BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala), room A3:117a, BMC.

You can access the public course page here.

If you are unable to attend, please notify the course leaders as soon as possible via e-mail: Andreas & Jennifer


  • Starting Year 2 of the programme:

Mandatory Course Roll call: 2024-09-02 at 13:15 at Uppsala Biomedical Centre (BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala), room A8:215a. Please remember to e-mail your Project Plan to latest by the course start (2024-09-02).

First week of the course will consist of inspirational research lectures by established researchers. 

You can access the public course page here.

If you are unable to attend, please notify the course leader as soon as possible via e-mail: Gerli


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Registered students can find more information under Modules