Course Evaluations - Introduction and Overview
Course Evaluations at Uppsala University
An important tool in the quality assurance process at Uppsala University is course evaluations. The work with course evaluations is governed by Guidelines for Course Evaluations
Links to an external site. established by the Vice-Chancellor. On the Staff Portal, there is a page called Course Evaluation Support
Links to an external site., which contains recommendations, practical advice, and tips for those working with course evaluations.
2025-02-25: The system "KV-sök": The so-called mouse-over text is displayed in the Compilation column, which shows the number of students who have submitted the course evaluation, i.e. "Show compilations of X submissions".
If no students have submitted the course evaluation, "No submissions" is shown (instead of having empty reports). Read more here (only in Swedish): Sök bland kursrapporter och sammanställningar.
2025-01-31: In order to facilitate course development, certain staff members now have the opportunity to view Excel summaries of reviewed data in the "Summaries" column in the "KV-sök" system. Read more here (only in Swedish): Sök bland kursrapporter och sammanställningar.
During spring term 2025, we are working on translating the Swedish Course Evaluation guides to English. If you have questions about those parts in the course evaluation process which are not translated to English, please join the drop-in workshop via Zoom and ask questions directly to us!
Direct Links to Guides on How to Work with Course Evaluations:
- Create a Course Evaluation
- Create Questions from Templates or with the Question Editor
- Copy a Course Evaluation
- Reach Out to Students (Only in Swedish: Nå ut till studenterna)
- Review a Course Evaluation ( (Only in Swedish: Granska en kursvärdering)
- Compilations of Course Evaluations (Only in Swedish: Sammanställningar av kursvärderingar)
- Write a Course Report and Publish Results (Only in Swedish: Skriva kursrapport och publicera resultat)
- Questions and answers about the Course Evaluation System
- Search Among Course Reports and Summaries (Only in Swedish: Sök bland kursrapporter och sammanställningar)
The course evaluation system is based on the form system Kurt, which has been Uppsala University's course evaluation system since the autumn semester of 2021. Kurt was developed by MedfarmDoIT Links to an external site. at Uppsala University and has long been used within the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy to create digital forms.
To simplify and streamline the course evaluation process and make it easier for students to find evaluations, a connection between the learning management system Studium and the course evaluation tool in Kurt was introduced in the spring of 2022. This means certain data is automatically transferred (course code, course name, teachers, and participating students).
In February 2023, the course evaluation tool was extracted from Kurt and transferred to the University IT Services (UIT) to be centrally managed and further developed as an independent system in communication with users. The name of the new system is "Course Evaluations." Support for the course evaluation system is provided by the same team that supports other systems within learning and education (Studium, Studio, Ouriginal, Inspera, etc.).
The Kurt system will retain its survey and registration tools and continue to be managed and developed at MedfarmDoIT.
In March 2024, a new search function Links to an external site. was launched in a web application for students, allowing them to search for course reports and reviewed compilations.
Connection to Studium
To access the course evaluation system from Studium, you must first activate the Course Evaluations tool in the course menu. Here's how:
Go to Settings -> Navigation. Add the Course Evaluations link by dragging the tool from the lower field to the upper field, then click Save. Once saved, the Course Evaluations link will appear in the course menu for both employees and students. Instructions and images for activating course links are available on the page: Course Navigation Menu.
Log in Directly to the Course Evaluation System
The best way to create course evaluations via the Course Evaluations link in your course in Studium, but if you want to log in directly, the address is Links to an external site.
Overview Page
Click on the Course Evaluations link in your course in Studium:
Then you you'll be directed to an overview page where you can see which course evaluations have already been added to the current course:
Course Evaluation Properties
- Title – The title and course code on the overview page are the same as in the Studium course settings.
- Name – The name of the course evaluation.
- Status (Ans.) – One of the following:
- Draft: The orderer has started creating a course evaluation but has not saved it.
- Upcoming: The course evaluation has been created and a future opening date has been set. Until that date, the status is Upcoming.
- Open: The course evaluation is open for students to complete. Some aspects can be edited, but the questions cannot be changed.
- Closed: The course evaluation is closed. No student can access it anymore. No reviewer has started reviewing the texts and comments yet.
- Under review: The reviewer has started reviewing, i.e., editing the texts and saving the review as a draft.
- Completed review: The reviewer has finished reviewing the texts but has not yet published the reviewed compilation on the overview page as RC.
- Complete: The reviewer has completed the review of the texts and published the reviewed compilation on the overview page as RC.
- Published: Both the reviewed compilation and the course report have been published. Students can find links to the reviewed compilation (RC) and the course report (CR) on their overview page.
Compilation – If RC is displayed in this column, a reviewed compilation has been published.
Course Report – If CR is displayed in this column, a course report has been written and published.
- Opens – Opening date.
- Closes – Closing date.
- Orderer – The name of the person who created the course evaluation (the orderer).
Who Can Create a Course Evaluation
Employees in Studium who have a role allowing them to create and edit the course in Studium (see explanation below under (*) "Roles in the Course Evaluation System and Studium") will see a green "Create" button at the bottom of the overview page in the course evaluation system, allowing them to create and edit course evaluations.
For employees with other Studium roles, such as those with read-only permissions, the green "Create" button will not be available.
Who Can Edit Course Evaluations?
Employees are automatically added as co-orderer, meaning they can also edit the course evaluation later. Those added are individuals with the following roles in the corresponding Studium course (see (*) below).
All course evaluations for which you are either the orderer or co-orderer will have blue links on the overview page (see image above). Clicking the link will take you to the page where you can edit the course evaluation.
If there is a course evaluation on the overview page with a name that is not blue (e.g., "Estonian C - Course part Text Reading in the example image above), it means that the person viewing the overview page is neither the orderer nor co-orderer for that course evaluation and cannot edit it. However, you can preview the questions in the course evaluation by clicking the magnifying glass.
Reviewed Course Evaluations
For course evaluations that have already been reviewed in terms of free-text responses and comments, the reviewed compilation will be available here as a RC link leading to a PDF file with diagrams, texts, etc.
Course Reports
If a course report has already been written and published, the CR link will take you to this report (a webpage).
Roles in the Course Evaluation System and Studium
(*) Creator Roles in Studium
Roles in Studium that allow you to create and edit course evaluations in the course evaluation system (i.e., they see a green "Create" button at the bottom of the overview page in the system):
- Course Roles: Lärare (Teacher), Kursadministratör, Kursansvarig, Course Director, Programadministratör (Programme administrator) och VFU-handläggare (lärarprogr),
- Account Roles: Institutionsadministratör, Kontots admin.
Roles in the Course Evaluation System
Several different roles exist in the system for employees, based on individuals or so-called functional accounts:
- Is the person who creates a course evaluation, i.e., clicks the "Create" button on the overview page accessed from Studium.
- Can create questions, set open and close dates, etc.
- Can add and remove co-orderers and reviewers.
- Receives automatic emails from the course evaluation system when a course evaluation opens, closes, is ready for review, and when the course report and reviewed compilation are published..
- Has the same rights as the orderer (see above) but cannot remove the orderer.
- Is automatically added from Studium when a colleague creates a course evaluation. This applies to those with the following roles in the Studium course: Lärare (Teacher), Kursadministratör, Kursansvarig, Course Director, Programadministratör (Programme administrator) och VFU-handläggare (lärarprogr)
- Is a person who, after the course evaluation has closed, has the ability to "de-personalise" the compilation of results, remove inappropriate text comments, and write a summary.
- automatically receives an email when a course evaluation closes, with a link to the review page.
- can save their work progressively.
- Once the reviewer has saved the review and published it, a compilation (PDF file with charts and text responses) is automatically generated, which becomes accessible to both students and staff in their overview pages.
- is the person who can answer the questions, i.e., students or participants in courses.
- automatically receives an email from the course evaluation system when a course evaluation opens, as well as on various reminder dates.
- can change their submitted responses as long as the course evaluation is open.
What Does it Look Like for Students?
When students click the Course Evaluations link in their course in Studium, they are taken to an overview page within the course evaluation system. Here, they can see which course evaluations have already been added to the current course.
It’s easy for students to see which course evaluations are open and waiting to be filled in (orange arrow). They can also easily find the results of the evaluations, i.e., the reviewed summary (blue arrow) and the course report (red arrow) when theese are ready and published.
The image below shows: A student in a course in Studium has navigated to the overview page in the course evaluation system.
Course Evaluation Properties
- Title — The title and course code on the overview page are the same as in the Studium course settings.
- Name — The name of the course evaluation.
- Status (Ans.) — one of the following. The most important ones for students are in bold:
- Upcoming: The course evaluation has been created and a future opening date has been set. Until that date, the status is "upcoming".
- Open: The course evaluation is open for students to fill in and complete.
- Closed: The course evaluation is closed. No student can access it anymore.
- Under review
- Completed review
- Complete: The reviewer has finished the review of texts and published the reviewed compilation on the overview page as RC.
- Published: Both the reviewed compilation and the course report have been published. Students will find links to the reviewed compilation (RC) and course report (CR) on their overview page.
Compilation — If RC appears in this column, a reviewed compilation has been published.
Course Report — If CR appears in this column, a course report has been written and published.
- Opens — the opening date.
- Closes — the closing date.
- Orderer — the name of the person who created the course evaluation (the so-called orderer).
For course evaluations that have status Open, the name itself is a blue link (see image above). When students click on the name, they are taken directly to the course evaluation form, where they can answer the questions and submit their responses.
Students also receive an email when a course evaluation has opened, containing a direct link to the form.
For course evaluations that have already been reviewed, with respect to free-text answers and comments, the reviewed compilation is available here as a RC link leading to a PDF file containing diagrams, texts, etc.
If a course report has already been written and published, the CR link will take you to this report (a webpage).
At the top of this page, you will find links to our guide pages on how to create, edit, review, and communicate about course evaluations (some of them only in Swedish at the moment).
If you have any questions regarding the course evaluation system, i.e., creating, editing, reviewing evaluations, or writing course reports, please contact IT support: Phone: 018 - 471 4400, email:, or join the drop-in workshop via Zoom. Links to an external site.
For general questions about course evaluations, such as question construction, reviewing text answers, or writing course reports, contact Maria Magnusson or Therese Ljunghammar at the Unit for Quality and Evaluation.
Do you have questions about course evaluations in the course evaluation system? Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page about the course evaluation system (only in Swedish at the moment: Vanliga frågor och svar om kursvärderingssystemet )